Dr. Jasmin (Bey) Cowin – AI, Avatars and 21st Century Simulation Training for Educators
AI and intelligent systems are positioned to become change agents in education through ushering in profound changes in institutional administrative functions, systemic strategic planning, and program planning. Post-pandemic, the explosive growth of fully-accredited online degrees has also reached teacher education programs. However, any online program in teacher education needs alternative pathways to support teacher candidates who are required to complete practicum and fieldwork hours.
This lightning talk focuses on reviewing, contrasting, and framing two distinct immersive ecosystems. Mursion and simSchool. While both platforms offer immersive experiences simSchool is AI-driven while Mursion employs mixed reality simulations. Both provide preservice teachers a platform to practice and rehearse the art and skill of teaching within a controlled simulation setting using avatars. Insights on evidence-based practices by teacher candidates are generated through data from both AI and candidates’ in-world experiences. Such data aggregation offers institutions informed decision-making through a systematic review using technology to improve teacher education programs.